Climate Data for Georgina

Thermometer showing minus 20 degrees celcius

Latitude: 44° 15’ 42"  |   Longitude:  79° 20’ 48"  |   Elevation (Metres):  229.739

Design element  |  Design value

January 2.5% design dry bulb temperature oc:  -24
January 1% design dry bulb temperature oc:  -26
July 2.5% design dry bulb temperature oc:  30
July 2.5% design wet bulb temperature oc:  23
Annual total degree days below 18 oc:  4,500
Maximum 15 minute rainfall (mm): 28
Maximum one day rainfall (50 years) (mm):  108
Annual rainfall (mm):  730
Moisture Index:  084
Annual total precipitation (mm):  925
Driving Rain wind pressure 1/5 years (Pa):  120
Ground snow load, snow component Ss (30 years) (kPa):  2.1
Ground snow load, rain component Sr (30 years) (kPa):  0.4
Ground snow load, snow component Ss (50 years) (kPa):  2.3
Ground snow load, rain component Sr (50 years) (kPa): 0.4
Hourly wind pressure 1/10  (kPa):  0.24
Hourly wind pressure 1/30 years (kPa):  0.32
Hourly wind pressure 1/50 years (kPa):  0.36
Hourly wind pressure 1/100 years (kPa):  0.43

Please note that the recommended values may differ from the legal requirements established by the municipal or provincial (territorial) building authorities. The design values may have been interpolated from calculated values at surrounding locations with subjective modification. Topographic effects may introduce local variations in the design values. Environment Canada has not made and does not make any representation or warranties, either expressed or implied, arising by law or otherwise, respecting  the accuracy of climatic information. In no event will Environment Canada be responsible for any prejudice, loss or damage which may occur as the result of the use of climatic information.

Seismic Data

National Building Code Seismic Hazard Calculation

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.