Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan


Over the recent years, several pioneer cemeteries have come to be maintained by the Town. It was determined that the Town’s pioneer cemeteries needed a management plan containing expert analysis and recommendations to return these sites to a state of better repair. 

To facilitate future planning and capital investment works, the Town worked with a professional landscape architectural firm, E. Lees and Associates Consulting Ltd., to carry out this planning exercise. The project included consultation with the public so the community had a formal opportunity to weigh in on any recommendations for future work at these cemeteries. The Town intends to move forward with the gradual and phased implementation of site works identified in the plan.

The plan focused on the following cemeteries:

  • Mann Cemetery (166 The Queensway North)
  • Cooke’s Cemetery (272 Pefferlaw Road)
  • Baldwin Cemetery (160 Baldwin Road)
  • Johnston’s Cemetery (Recently purchased parcel located at 264 Pefferlaw Road [Part 5, 65R-16564]
  • Sheppard Cemetery (No address. Located south of Boyer Road between the Queensway North and Woodbine Avenue)

Why this work is needed

As part of this exercise, the consultant developed recommendations for the work required at each site to return the cemeteries to a state of good repair. The plan addresses appropriate signage, preservation of heritage, standards of perpetual care and long-term maintenance of the grounds. This assessment is intended to provide guidance for Council and staff on standards of upkeep for the pioneer cemeteries for the foreseeable future. 

In consideration of the factors that led to the condition of these properties, the new management plan includes the following key deliverables:

  • Recommendations for preservation of cultural heritage 
  • Maintenance plan with schedules to maintain sites in a state of good repair in perpetuity
  • Site schematics depicting recommended capital improvements at each site
  • Capital works program with phasing plan
  • Class ‘D’ order of magnitude construction cost estimates for all recommended site works 
  • Annual operating budget estimates to maintain each site
  • A generalized list of onboarding tasks and best practices that should be followed when a ‘new’ pioneer cemetery comes under Town management

2024 Improvements

On February 27, 2024,  Council approved a budget for a selection of high-priority improvements at Mann Cemetery 2024 in accordance with the Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan. 

The Town will complete the following improvements at Mann Cemetery in 2024:

  1. Clearing overgrowth and woody vegetation from the internment areas. The goal is to ensure visitors can approach and view the face of all monuments and flat markers.
  2. Resetting 5-8 monuments, with a focus on resetting toppled and leaning monuments which are at risk of falling. The Town will work with a qualified person to determine how best to reset monuments within our project budget.
  3. An interpretive seating area, a small limestone screening pathway to the seating area, and interpretive plaque
  4. Layby parking for 2-3 vehicles for safe access to the cemetery


Mann Cemetery

Cemetery with headstones

Old tombstones surrounded by trees

Old tombstones and a tree in a field

Sheppard Cemetery

Gated entrance to a cemetery

tombstones in a field

Public engagement

Town contact

To find out more information about this project, please contact:

Courtney Rennie, PMP
Senior Project Manager, Parks and Open Space
Cell: 905-955-1887 



The Town awarded this contract to E. Lees and Associates Consulting Ltd. on April 24, 2023.The Town set a schedule to complete this project by February 2024.

On February 7, 2024, Council received and endorsed in principle the Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan (Resolution No. C-2024-0042). Staff will return to Council through the annual budget deliberation process to activate capital improvements outlined in the plans.

On February 27, 2024,  Council approved a budget for a selection of high-priority improvements at Mann Cemetery 2024 in accordance with the Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan. 

The Town will complete the following improvements at Mann Cemetery in 2024:

  1. Clearing overgrowth and woody vegetation from the internment areas. The goal is to ensure visitors can approach and view the face of all monuments and flat markers.
  2. Resetting 5-8 monuments, with a focus on resetting toppled and leaning monuments which are at risk of falling. The Town will work with a qualified person to determine how best to reset monuments within our project budget.
  3. An interpretive seating area, a small limestone screening pathway to the seating area, and interpretive plaque
  4. Layby parking for 2-3 vehicles for safe access to the cemetery

Final Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan Report

Final Pioneer Cemeteries Management Plan Report 2023

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.