Hedge Road Bank Stabilization


The shoreline of Lake Simcoe along Hedge Road between Mossington Bridge and Park Road has been identified to be deteriorating. The shorline and bank has experienced several bank failures and there is a risk for future bank failures.

The Town retained Tatham Engineering to complete engineering field investigations, public consultation, design alternatives, detailed design, and contract administration and inspection.

The bank is anticipated to be restored over several years.

2023 Construction 

The highest priority works is located at Seward Drive to 175 m east of Seward Drive. The majority of this work was completed in 2023, some minor works are still outstanding and will be completed in the spring of 2024.

Hedge Road between Seward Drive and Park Road will be fully closed in order to complete the bank restoration works.

Photos and videos





Location map

Map overview of Hedge Road and work area

Public engagement

Contact the following individuals for additional information, to provide comments or to be added to the project mailing list.

Town Contact

Owen Sanders, P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Tel. 905-476-4301, ext. 2902
Email: osanders@georgina.ca


Matt Brace, P.Eng.
Senior Project Manager
Tatham Engineering
Tel: 705-733-9037, ext. 2153
Email: mbrace@tathameng.com

Notice to correspondents:
Comments and information received during the PIC are collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. All comments will be part of the public record, with the exception of personal information.

Council reports and presentations

Council report

Award of request for proposal - May 27, 2020


Hedge Road Bank stabilization presentation - Nov. 4, 2021


May 31, 2021 - Newsletter #1

Feb. 13, 2023 - Letter to residents

June 30, 2023 - Letter to residents

Frequently asked questions

Are boulders the only option for shoreline protection?

There are three preferred options being considered including:
1) boulder revetment
2) erosion control blanket and enhanced vegetation
3) green retaining wall
Other options reviewed and discussed in the presentation include sheet pile wall and slope regrading, however these are not as favourable by the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, or feasible based on the available space between Hedge Road and the shoreline.

Who is paying for the bank stabilization improvements?

The Town is paying for the proposed bank stabilization works.

What is the timing for the phased projects A, B and C?

Project A is near term (one to five years), Project B is mid term (five to 10 years) and project C is longer term (10 years+).

What measures are in place to prevent residents from clearing all the vegetation between Hedge Road and the shoreline? Can the Town provide an education program on the by-laws in place to maintain future erosion hazard prevention?

There is a Town site alteration By-law 2022-0038 (REG-1) in place requiring a permit for earthworks or building works on the land. There is a York Region by-law (2013-68) in place for forest conservation covering the removal of any trees. The Town notes an education program is a good idea.

Has the Town made arrangements or are residents aware of the ownership of the lands between Hedge Road and the shoreline?

Clarification of the ownership of the waterfront lands is not part of the scope of this project. This is a separate item being looked at by the Town. Any permissions needed from landowners will be resolved directly with each owner. A notification process will be used with each homeowner. The primary purpose of these works is to protect the integrity of Hedge Road.

Will the guardrail repairs be part of these works?

The necessary guiderail repairs/replacement are separate to the scope of this project. The Town will include guiderail repairs/replacement as part of this project in locations where coordination of the work is possible.

Does it help to protect the shoreline by installing a large dock with boulders?

Large docks can help with wave breaking, however the agencies that govern shoreline works (Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources, Department of Fisheries and Oceans) generally require protection works be located on shore, rather than in the water, to minimize impacts to aquatic habitat. 

Can the Town ensure the contractor only uses clean equipment for the project to avoid the introduction of potential invasive plant species?

An invasive species management specification can be added to the contract tender documentation to enforce the requirement for clean equipment to be used on site.

How will the project account for existing structures such as docks, decks and stairs?

The intent is to work around all the existing structures as best as possible. Further coordination with landowners will be completed to assess the existing structures, though there are currently no known issues. If a dock is protected already, this protection will be retained.

What is the timing for the commencement of the project?

The detailed design is currently being advanced and Project A will be tendered first for construction in early 2023 with construction occurring in the summer of 2023.

What is the next steps for design coordination with the homeowners?

The intent is to send a copy of the design drawings to the home owners to review and further discuss individual site coordination.

Mossington Wharf is in poor condition. If the wharf is being decommissioned, is it possible to reuse the boulders from the wharf for the proposed boulder revetment?

The Mossington Wharf decommissioning/retrofit is a separate project to the Hedge Road project.  The Town will continue to coordinate any project activities.

Has the Town considered traffic control along Hedge Road to reduce the amount of vehicles or enforce the speed limit?

Traffic protection and control along Hedge Road is not part of this project. Traffic control measures will be implemented during the construction phase for the bank stabilization project.

Is there any consideration for municipal services to be installed within the road allowance?

Currently there are no plans for extending municipal servicing within the project area. 

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.