Conflict of Interest Registry


Meeting Date Name Item Number Statement of Disclosure
January 24, 2024 Councillor Genge Item 11.1.a Statement of Disclosure
April 10, 2024 Councillor Genge Item 12.2.b.b/ Item 17. 1 a Statement of Disclosure
May 8, 2024 Regional Councillor Davison Item 11.1.f Statement of Disclosure
May 8, 2024 Councillor Genge   Not Yet Received
July 10, 2024 Councillor Dale Item 12.2.b.b./16.1 Statement of Disclosure
July 10, 2024 Councillor Biggerstaff Item 12.2.b.b./16.1 Statement of Disclosure

Previous years


Meeting Date Name Item Number Statement of Disclosure
Jan. 24, 2023 Councillor Genge  Jericho items Statement of Disclosure
April 5, 2023 Councillor Dale Item 17.1.b Statement of Disclosure
June 7, 2023 Mayor Quirk Item 12.2.b.b Statement of Disclosure
June 21, 2023 Councillor Fellini Item 10.1.b Statement of Disclosure
September 20, 2023 Councillor Neeson Item 11.1.g Statement of Disclosure
December 5, 2023 Councillor Genge

Jericho Youth Services

Art Gallery

Statement of Disclosure


Meeting Date Name Item Number Statement of Disclosure
Jan. 26, 2022 Councillor Fellini Item 12.1.c Statement of Disclosure
March 30, 2022 Councillor Neeson Item 18.1.c Statement of Disclosure
March 30, 2022 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.c Statement of Disclosure
April 6, 2022 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.d Statement of Disclosure
May 25, 2022 Mayor Quirk Item 18.1.a Statement of Disclosure
May 25, 2022 Councillor Neeson Item 18.1.a Not Yet Received
May 25, 2022 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.a Statement of Disclosure
June 22, 2022 Regional Councilor Grossi Item 18.1.h Statement of Disclosure
Aug. 10, 2022 Regional Councillor Grossi Items 12.1.g & h Not Yet Received
Aug. 10, 2022 Councillor Neeson Items 12.1.g & h Not Yet Received
Sept. 28, 2022 Regional Councillor Grossi Items 18.1.a & b Not Yet Received
Nov. 30, 2022 Mayor Quirk Item 12.1.g Statement of Disclosure
Nov. 30, 2022 Councillor Genge Item 9.1.d Statement of Disclosure


Meeting Date Name Item Number Statement of Disclosure
Feb. 24, 2021 Councillor Neeson Item 18 1 (A) Statement of Disclosure
April 28, 2021 Councillor Waddington Item 14 Statement of Disclosure
April 28, 2021 Councillor Fellini Item 14 Statement of Disclosure
May 5, 2021 Councillor Fellini Item 14 Statement of Disclosure
May 5, 2021 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 14 Statement of Disclosure
May 19, 2021 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.b Statement of Disclosure
May 19, 2021 Councillor Fellini Item 18.1.c Statement of Disclosure
July 14, 2021 Councillor Neeson Item 18.1.c Statement of Disclosure
July 14, 2021 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.b Statement of Disclosure
July 21, 2021 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 16.1 Statement of Disclosure
Aug. 18, 2021 Councillor Fellini Item 11.1.a Statement of Disclosure
Sept. 15, 2021 Councillor Neeson Item 18.1.b Statement of Disclosure
Oct. 6, 2021 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.a Statement of Disclosure
Oct. 27, 2021 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.b Statement of Disclosure
Nov. 30, 2021 Mayor Quirk Business Case Statement of Disclosure
Dec. 1, 2021 Regional Councillor Grossi Business Case Statement of Disclosure


Meeting Date Name Item Number Statement of Disclosure
Jan 22, 2020 Councillor Harding Item 12(2)(A) Statement of Disclosure
June 10, 2020 Councillor Neeson Item 18(1)(A) Statement of Disclosure
June 24, 2020 Councillor Neeson Item 18(1)(b) Statement of Disclosure
July 15, 2020 Councillor Neeson Item 18.2 Statement of Disclosure
Aug. 12, 2020 Councillor Neeson Item 18.2 Statement of Disclosure
Oct. 21, 2020 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.3 Statement of Disclosure
Oct. 28, 2020 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18.1.1 Statement of Disclosure


Meeting Date Name Item Number Statement of Disclosure
July 24, 2019 Councillor Neeson Item 12(2)(A) Recommendation #4 Statement of Disclosure
Oct. 16, 2019 Councillor Waddington Item 18(A) Statement of Disclosure
Oct. 16, 2019 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 18(A) Statement of Disclosure
Oct. 23, 2019 Councillor Neeson

Item 12(2)(C), Item 12(2)(I),

Item 18(1)(A), Item 17(4)

Statement of Disclosure
Nov. 27, 2019 Councillor Neeson Item 18(1)(A) Statement of Disclosure
Dec. 3, 2019 Councillor Neeson Item 12(2) Statement of Disclosure
Dec. 11, 2019 Councillor Neeson Item 12(2)(G) Statement of Disclosure
Dec 11, 2019 Regional Councillor Grossi Item 12(2)(F) Statement of Disclosure

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.