Non-Profit Organizations Grant

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Overview of fund

The Non-Profit Organizations Grant provides project-based funding to non-profit organizations in Georgina that contribute to the social, economic, cultural, health or general well-being of the Town of Georgina. The program’s purpose is to support non-profits in Georgina in delivering projects and programs that benefit the community.  

Applicants can apply for $5,000 minimum per application to a maximum of $80,000 per year for non-repayable funds.


Organization eligibility

  • Applicants must be incorporated as a not-for-profit/charitable organization.
  • Applicants must have offices in Georgina and primarily serve residents and businesses located in Georgina.
  • Ineligible recipients include ones:
    • Whose activities are be perceived to be incompatible with the Town's goals, values, or mission
    • Whose activities are in conflict with any applicable laws, Town bylaws and/or policies
    • That is in litigation, judicial and/or arbitral proceedings against the Town, 
    • That promotes, endorses or in any other ways supports:
      • Tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, vaping, or any other substance
      • Pornography
      • The support of, or involvement in the production, distribution, and sale of weapons and other life-threatening products
      • Terrorism
      • Religious or political affiliations
      • That engage in any activity which, if associated with the Town, may constitute a reputational risk for the Town as determined by staff

Project and expense eligibility

  • The project must be to deliver a program or service for the community, with community benefits realized in the program year
  • The project must not be to deliver a capital project. A maximum of $5,000 may be requested in capital items if directly related to the delivery of the program or service
  • An applicant can apply for funding for multiple projects, but each project budget and KPIs must be distinguished in the application form
  • Eligible expenses include: 
    • Materials and supplies
    • Communications (e.g. Printing, distribution, ads, etc.)
    • Equipment – up to $5,000 
    • Consultant/contractor fees (e.g. web design translation, etc.)
    • Administration costs – up to 20 per cent of the grant request (these can include salary costs for administration)
  • Total funding request from the Town cannot exceed $80,000

Application details

Applicants will be required to submit the following documents:

  1. Online application 
  2. Project budget 
  3. Financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) for most recent fiscal year

Resources for application:

Evaluation approach

The Town wishes to ensure a high degree of openness, transparency and fairness in the consideration of all not-for-profit and community organizations. 

As such, the applications will be assessed by an Internal Evaluation Committee who will then present funding allocation recommendations to Council for final decision. 

The evaluation will be based on:

  1. Organizational assessment
    1. Organization eligibility
    2. Financial position of organization 
  2. Project assessment
    1. Project eligibility
    2. Expense eligibility
    3. Community impact of project (alignment to the Town’s Corporate Strategic Plan)

After the funding decision

If the application is successful, the recipient will be asked for the following: 

  • To enter into a funding agreement with the Town of Georgina for the duration of the project (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2025)
  • To report on performance metrics and expenses within 60 days from the agreement end date
    • This may include but not be limited to: 
      • Submission of expenditure claims report with invoices upon request 
      • Key Performance Indicator results 
      • Photos and testimonials demonstrating project outcomes
      • Audited financial statements (or unaudited if none are available) for the year that the funding was used

Any breach of the agreement may cause the funding to be rescinded and disqualify the application from further funding. A 10 per cent holdback will be required and released only once confirmation that the terms of the agreement have been upheld and the final reporting has been approved.

The guidelines and application form are subject to annual review and updates as necessary to further enhance and streamline the application process.

Application and intake process

The intake process will follow the schedule below. 

  • Application period - Sept. 13 – Oct. 18, 2024
  • Internal evaluation period - Oct. 19 – Nov. 19, 2024
  • Report to Council for final decision - Nov. 20, 2024
  • Agreements signed and funding issued - Nov. 21 – Dec. 31, 2024
  • Project duration - Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2025
  • Mid-year check in - July 31, 2025
  • Final report due - Feb. 27, 2026

Contact us

Organizations may also request to meet with staff in advance of their submission to ask questions or discuss their project. 

Reach out to to discuss your project or with any questions about the application process or guidelines.

Find out more information on other grant/funding opportunities.

Apply now

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.