Jackson's Point Harbour

Jackson's Point Harbour is located on the south shores of Lake Simcoe, west of Georgina Island at Bonnie Blvd. in Jackson’s Point. Whether you are just passing through, staying over, or visiting friends, Jackson's Point Harbour provides a great destination.
Harbour Information
- Seasonal Slip Fees
- Transient slips are available on a first-come first-served basis. A Pay and Display machine is located in the parking lot where visitors can purchase an overnight slip at the rate of $30.90 per day without hydro or $36.05 per day with hydro.
- Access to docks: Controlled by Keyed Access Gate available to Seasonal and Transient Slipholders only. Gate to remain closed at all times.
- Feeling under the weather: If you do not feel well, we ask that you not attend the harbour and monitor your condition.
- Quiet time is from 11 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Open flames are not permitted on the piers.
- Fishing is not permitted from the piers
- Alcohol is restricted to only those vessels with a permanent head and galley facilities.
- Access to piers is restricted to boaters only.
- Pay and Display Parking in effect.
For further information about Seasonal Slips, contact the Community Services Department
For all Transient slips contact Harbour staff at 905-955-3391 during operating hours.
Slip Waitlist
The Jackson's Point Harbour is a popular destination in Jackson’s Point. We offer first right of refusal to the previous year’s Slipholders. If you are interested in adding your name to the waitlist please submit a slip application to Community Services or drop it off at the Civic Centre.
Frequently asked questions
How can I obtain a seasonal slip at the Jackson’s Point Harbour?
A slip application can be submitted to Community Services or dropped off at the Civic Centre. We offer first right of refusal to the previous year’s Slipholders and fill any open slips from our waitlisted applicants.
Do you have a waitlist?
Yes, a waitlist is maintained and carried over year to year. It is important that we have accurate information for your vessel including the length, beam and draft required.
What documentation will I need to provide to secure my slip?
Slipholders will receive a rental permit, which will outline all of the terms of the agreement. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to provide full payment, signed agreement, proof of insurance and the boat registration number by the due date listed on the permit.
What are the fees associated with slips?
Seasonal slip fees are charged by the length of your vessel including the bow, pulpit and swim platform. Our season runs from Victoria Day through to Thanksgiving Day.
What amenities are included in my slip fees?
Amenities include washroom and shower facilities at this location. A keyless door code will be provided to access the amenities once all terms of the agreement are completed.
Do you have staff on site?
For questions or concerns, contact the Service Georgina Hub at 905-476-4301 ext 3001 (Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) or email eleisure@georgina.ca. The Harbour staff can be reached at 905-955-3391 during operating hours.
Do you have transient slips available?
Transient slips are available on a first-come first-served basis. Visitors can visit the staff office onsite to pay for an overnight slip at the rate of $30.90 per night without hydro or $36.05 per night with hydro.. For all Transient slips contact Harbour staff at 905-955-3391 during operating hours.
Where is the closest launch?
There are many boat launches throughout Georgina. For a complete list, visit the boat launches webpage.
- Young’s Harbour at the intersection of Lake Drive South and Walter Road is a municipal boat launch. There is a pay and display machine onsite for non-residents.
- Rayner's Road Park, 51 Lake Dr. N., is also a municipal boat launch. This is a resident-only parking lot. Residents must ensure their current year parking pass is displayed. Resident parking passes can be obtained at the Civic Centre, Town libraries (Keswick, Sutton and Pefferlaw) and the Georgina Leisure Pool.