Development Application Fee Rebate Program
The Development Application Fee Rebate Program aims to encourage development and redevelopment in all sectors. The program reduces the financial burden on landowners and business owners who are expanding/relocating or creating new businesses. It is intended to provide financial assistance to developments that have the ability to have a significant impact on the creation of full-time employment and increase the non-residential tax base.
Development Application Fee Rebate Program application
Three-tiered format
The three-tiered program is intended to provide an incentive program that recognizes the significant benefits of larger development in terms of job creation and tax assessment and provides an incentive that is scaled accordingly. The new three-tiered system incentives are based on the amount of square footage and full-time positions being created. Rebates can be up to 50 per cent of the application fee to a maximum of $15,000 for a single application. For multiple applications, rebates can be up to 75 per cent to a maximum of $50,000 per property.
Tier 1
50 per cent of the application fee up to a maximum of $10,000 or 50 per cent up to a maximum of $20,000 for multiple applications.
Tier 2
50 per cent of the application fee up to a maximum of $15,000 and 50 per cent up to a maximum of $30,000 for multiple applications.
Tier 3
50 per cent of the application fee up to a maximum of $15,000 and 75 per cent up to a maximum of $50,000 for multiple applications.
Rebates assist with application fees associated with:
- Minor Variance
- Zoning Amendment
- Official Plan Amendment
- Site Plan Application
- Industrial Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
Eligibility requirements
Tier 1 Program
- has the potential to create or retain 5-10 full-time jobs and /or;
- results in the creation of a minimum of 1,500 - 5,000 sq. ft. of new floor area.
Tier 2 Program
- has the potential to create or retain 11-25 full-time jobs and/or;
- results in the creation of a minimum of 5,001 - 49,000 sq. ft. of new floor area.
Tier 3 Program
- has the potential to create or retain 25+ full-time jobs and/or;
- results in the creation of a minimum of 50,000 sq. ft. of new floor area.
Business success stories
Weller Tree Service expands in Georgina

Town support
The Town understands a seamless approval process and support will help businesses start sooner, which in turn saves money. The Business Class Program was created for this reason. It begins with an introductory meeting to discuss investor’s aspirations and how the Town can support them. If you have any questions about how the Town can support you, please contact Karyn Stone at 905-476-4301 ext. 2312,
Discover how your business can leverage the unique advantages Georgina offers:
- Find available properties and land for sale in Georgina.
- Learn about our Business Park.
- Learn more about Georgina’s economic statistics.
- Access business resources and support programs in our community.
- Explore more incentives that may be available to your business.
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