The study is now completed. check Phase I for current updates.
The Town of Georgina carried out a Functional Assessment Study for several segments of Lake Drive and Hedge Road (study area map below).
Lake Drive is a popular corridor in the Town of Georgina, attracting motorists, cyclists and pedestrians who use them for both leisure and commuting. Its stunning views of Lake Simcoe and access to various communities and public parks make it a popular choice for residents and tourists. However, with increasing development, more road users and pedestrians, concerns about mixed road usage have become more common.
This project allowed for a comparative engineering assessment of options, taking into consideration community, technical and financial considerations for all road users and providing long range plans which integrate infrastructure requirements for existing and future land use with environmental assessment planning principles.
Further, this study focused exclusively on the existing edge-to-edge pavement limits that will not require widening or any other additional elements outside of the existing paved surface.
The study was developed through technical analysis, best practices, and community consultation to ensure the plan serves the community of Georgina. This development process had the potential to create a corridor with a community-focused lens that will make transportation options safer and more operational.
You can read and review the report in the Documents section below.
Lake Drive Improvements - Phase 1
The Town is constructing Phase 1 of the Lake Drive Improvements in early 2025 to be used for the summer season. Phase 1 consists of Lake Drive North at Metro Road North and across to Lake Drive East near Dalton Road. The general layout will be a single, one-way, general purpose vehicular lane and a bi-directional, multi-use pathway for pedestrians and cyclists. Near Dalton Road there will be a 2-way land arrangement with sharrows. The Town is currently in the detailed design phase of the project.
Project objectives
The project objectives include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Increasing the safety of the corridor for all users
- Moving towards a sustainable future for the waterfront parks
- Improving the functionality of the roadway, including vehicular and pedestrian access
- Providing a safe mix-used corridor to promote active transportation options such as walking and cycling
Project completion summary
Project completion summary
The Town of Georgina has completed the Lake Drive Functional Assessment planning study (the study). The study found and recommended solutions to long-held concerns about the safety and use of Lake Drive and Hedge Road for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.
While the study is exempt from Ontario’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) system, the Town chose to voluntarily follow the principles of a “Schedule B” class environmental assessment. This was done to achieve a high level of rigor in analysis and decision-making and conduct a comprehensive public consultation process.
The key guiding principles of the study were:
- To improve the safety and utility of the Lake Drive/Hedge Road corridor for all users.
- Identify potential solutions that can be accomplished within the limits of the existing paved roadway.
The study accomplished the following:
- Investigated and examined the existing conditions in the Lake Drive/Hedge Road corridor
- Identified the specific problems to be addressed
- Considered several potential solution options
- Weighed the options based on numerous relevant criteria
- Extensively consulted with the public
- Recommended phased implementation of a set of multi-faceted concepts to address the long-term problems in the Lake Drive/Hedge Road corridor
Complete documentation of the study can be found online below.
Based on the first phase of implementation recommended in the study, Council has approved undertaking detailed design of the recommended concepts for Lake Drive extending from Metro Road North at North Gwillimbury Park to Dalton Road. The proposed concept for this corridor involves creation of a seasonal one-way (west to east) single lane for vehicles, with a bi-directional multi-use pathway for pedestrians and cyclists. The design will include a transition zone of two-way vehicle lanes with sharrows for the section of Lake Drive approaching Dalton Road from the west.
The work program approved for design of the first phase includes the following:
- Collection and analysis of additional data on traffic, pedestrian and parking usage.
- Detailed design addressing: efficient traffic movements necessary for routine and emergency access to properties and businesses; seasonal implementation considerations; integration with existing features such as driveways and intersections; roadway modifications focused on signage, pavement markings, lane separation markers; and public communication and education.
Following completion of the design and subject to Council approval, construction of this first phase of Lake Drive improvements will be undertaken in future years. After completion of this first phase, assessment of the effect of modifications in these sections of road will help inform and enhance plans to move forward with future phases of improvements to the Lake Drive and Hedge Road corridor.
Photos and videos

Virtual workshop from Aug. 17, 2023
Public engagement
The public information centre (PIC) was held on Sept. 26, 2023, in De La Salle Park by the Town and its consultant team. The project team collected comments and will document, review and respond to the comments received. The public was able to provide comments to the project team until Oct. 10, 2023.
Public Information Centre (PIC)
The public information centre is the last round of engagement and an opportunity for the Town’s stakeholders to provide comments and feedback on the preferred alternatives. The comments and feedback collected through the PIC will be documented, maintained and disclosed for the purpose of transparency and consultation.
After the public information centre, the project team will:
- Review and respond to feedback and comments received including in the evaluation of the preferred alternatives
- Confirm and finalize the preferred alternative design concept, traffic calming measures, cost estimates, and implementation recommendations
- Deliver the final report and meet with the Council in November 2023
If you would like to be added to or removed from our project mailing list or have project-related questions, contact the Town and/or consultant as noted below. Review the PIC presentation.
Town contact
Owen Sanders
Senior Project Manager
905-476-4301, ext. 2902
WSP Canada Inc.
Jay Goldberg
Project Manager, P.Eng., PMP
This road functional assessment for Lake Drive and Hedge Road took place in 2023. Residents were invited to comment on this project throughout its duration.
The project is now complete.
Project Phases
The project is organized into the following phases:
- Phase 1: Project background review and problem statement - Understand the community’s existing conditions through technical analysis, policy reviews, site visits and engaging with Town staff and the Council. Spring 2023
- Phase 2: Public and stakeholder engagement – Engaging with residents and users of the corridor, collect feedback through public survey and virtual workshops and beach pop-up sessions. Summer 2023
- Phase 3: Identification and high-level evaluation of alternative solutions – Determine the alternative options for improving the status quo, assessing impacts of each alternative and the cost associated with each option to demonstrate the study's success, and engage with residents and stakeholders. Summer and fall 2023
- Phase 4: Final evaluation and reporting – Develop cost estimates for design and construction of each alternative for each section of the study area, and prepare a prioritized list of construction timelines for the preferred alternatives. Fall 2023
Important links
Frequently asked questions
What is a road functional assessment?
A Functional Assessment Study is a process used to evaluate the operational and safety characteristics of a roadway based on its needs and opportunities.
Will this study have any impacts to my property?
No. Any and all recommendations arising from this study will not require property acquisition, nor expanding the paved roadway of Lake Drive and Hedge Road. Alternatives will be determined based on the existing edge-to-edge pavement.
How does this project relate to the Lake Drive Shoreline Action Plan and the Waterfront Parks Master Plan?
The Town has three important projects related to Lake Drive and the waterfront:
- Lake Drive Shoreline Action Plan: The Town is working on resolving ownership and liability issues related to indirect waterfront lots along Lake Drive North and East. The Town Council established a committee in 2015 to find solutions that satisfy all stakeholders. The Town supports the continued access of indirect waterfront owners to the waterside shoreline land. The Lake Drive Action Plan, developed in 2017, outlines operational and policy decisions to reach a resolution.
- Waterfront Parks Master Plan: The Town is developing a plan to guide the operation and management of Town waterfront parks. It covers all waterfront lands, including beaches, parks, and more. The Town wants to address issues like overcrowding, access for vehicles and pedestrians, parking, and infrastructure requirements. The plan responds to concerns raised by residents and aims to find a balance between serving local residents and seasonal populations.
- Lake Drive Road Functional Assessment: The Town is working on improving Lake Drive Road to address its current challenges. These include narrow lanes, poor sight lines, and a lack of sidewalks and paved shoulders. The Town’s goal is to create a safe mixed-use corridor for active transportation while maintaining access and traffic operations. Importantly, the Town is not acquiring any additional land as part of this study. The project team will assess various options through an engineering assessment, considering community, technical, and financial factors.
These projects demonstrate the Town’s commitment to improving Lake Drive, managing waterfront parks and addressing complex matters related to waterfront property ownership.
Why is the Town doing this study?
Lake Drive is a multi-purpose road used extensively by motorists, cyclists and pedestrians for access to Lake Simcoe. This roadway has a number of factors that makes travel by multiple users a challenge including narrow lanes, poor sight lines, and a lack of sidewalks and paved shoulders. Concerns have been raised by residents and road users regarding road safety so all user groups could share its use in a safe manner.
This project allows for a comparative engineering assessment of options, taking into consideration community, technical and financial considerations for all road users and provide long-range plans which integrate infrastructure requirements for existing and future land use with environmental assessment planning principles.
What is the timeline of the study?
This project was completed in December 2023.
Will this project include any land use outside the paved surface of the existing road?
No, this project is explicitly limited in scope to the paved surface of the existing road width.
How will the outcomes of this project be implemented and what are the next steps?
This project will provide a summary of the preferred alternative options for the Town’s consideration to improve the functionality of the roadway. The preferred options will consider community, technical and financial considerations. Subject to Council approval, the next steps will be implemented through the preliminary and detailed design phase followed by construction.
Why is Hedge Road part of the study area?
Hedge Road exhibits several similar features as Lake Drive East, e.g., narrow road width, poor sightlines, lack of sidewalks. This road was included in this project as a provisional item to provide corridor continuity and also leverage benefit from other Town initiatives.
Does this study involves conducting a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment?
This project is exempt from the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCA) process (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2023). However, due to the complexity of the corridor, the Town is conducting this Study to generally follow the Schedule B process under the MCEA.
By following the MCEA process, the Lake Drive and Hedge Road Functional Assessment Study defines the problems and opportunities, identifies potential alternatives, and evaluates those alternatives based on their potential impacts.