Councillor Lee Dale is serving his first term as Ward 5 Councillor.
Councillor Dale is a lifelong Georgina resident who, along with his wife and children, are proud to call Pefferlaw home. He spent his adult life contributing and volunteering to various organizations and charities in the community. Involved as a community advocate, he has worked as a resident on many community issues. With experience in law, transportation and infrastructure, Lee has lobbied all three levels of government. He is a business owner in the community and a member of the Georgina Chamber of Commerce. Councillor Dale enjoys the outdoors and is an avid boater and snowmobiler who understands the beauty that Georgina’s location has to offer.
Town of Georgina Ward 5 Boundaries
Phone number:
Messages may also be left with Alex Demoe, Executive Assistant to Mayor and Council or by telephone 905-476-4301, ext. 2261