Georgina Gym

Georgina Gym - ready to play

Georgina Gymnasium

90 Wexford Rd., Keswick
Capacity:  250
Size:  3970 sq ft, 81’ X 49’

Let's Get active and play!  

Register online

Drop-in schedule 

Pre-registration for drop-in programs is recommended. Registration can be done online, by phone or in person. 

Check out our Drop-in schedule page for available activities. 

Drop-in schedules

Rent a Gymnasium

Join us for your next event. Visit the Facility Booking Availability website, or contact Service Georgina by email at or at 905-476-4301, ext. 3001 for additional information.

Facility availability Book online


Club 55 Keswick - 130 Gwendolyn Blvd. 
Club 55 Sutton - 20849 Dalton Rd., Sutton 
Club 55 Pefferlaw - Pefferlaw Park and Community Hall - 38 Pete's Lane, Pefferlaw
ROC Chalet Patio - 26479 Civic Centre Road
ROC - Labyrinth/Civic Centre Circle - 26557 Civic Centre Road (Municipal Offices lawn)
Georgina Gym/Ice Palace - 90 Wexford Drive - behind the Ice Palace
GIP - Hall - 90 Wexford Drive - behind the Ice Palace
GIP - MPR (Multi-Purpose Room) -  90 Wexford Drive, Ice Palace Lobby
The Link - 20849 Dalton Rd., Sutton 
Pefferlaw Park and Community Hall - 38 Pete's Lane, Pefferlaw
Sutton Arena Hall - 48 Hawkins Street, Sutton
Kin Hall - 15 Fairpark Lane, Sutton

Program registration

Visit the Registered Programs page to view the available activities.

Summer program registration is now open for residents and non-residents. 

Some program dates and times can change without prior notice.

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.