Georgina Accessibility Advisory Committee


The Council of the Town of Georgina invites people to volunteer in their community as a member of the following committees. The appointment is for the remainder of the 2022-2026 Term of Council. Current Town board and committee members are encouraged to apply.

Committee information

Each Term of Office, the Town of Georgina Council invites community members to sit on the Georgina Accessibility Advisory Committee (GAAC). The role of the GAAC is to provide vision and recommendations to Council and staff regarding the removal of barriers that exist within our municipal services, facilities, practices and programs and to review site plans upon request.  

Agenda and Minutes

Agendas and Minutes for this Committee can be found on the Agendas, Minutes and Meetings Webpage.

Committee Composition

The Committee shall consist of seven (7) Members comprised of:

  • two (2) Council Members; and
  • five (5) citizen appointments.

As required by Subsection 29(3) of the AODA, “[a] majority of the Members of the Committee shall be persons with disabilities.” Given our membership composition and ensuring we align with AODA legislation requirements, a majority of our Members means that at least four (4) Members of the Committee shall be persons with disabilities.

Terms of Reference

Please read the “Advisory Committee Handbook” found near the top of the Committees and Boards Webpage for specific Terms of Reference for this Committee.  

More Information

Review the Town of Georgina's 2018-2022 Multi-year Accessibility Plan.

Visit the Accessibility Inclusion page to learn more about the accessibility features implemented at Town facilities. 

The Accessibility Improvement Grant Program promotes improved accessibility to existing buildings within Uptown Keswick, Sutton, and Jackson's Point. All applications for this grant program will be considered subject to the availability of funding. Program eligibility will be determined by staff in consultation with the Community Improvement Plan Committee (CIPC).

Please review our Business Outreach Letter of July 14, 2021, to get a better understanding of what we do.

Please see our 2021 accomplishments.

If you are a business owner, learn more about accommodating service animals here and contact the Facilities Division to obtain your "Service Animals Welcome" display sticker.

Contact Us

26557 Civic Centre Rd,
Keswick, ON  L4P 3G1

T: 905-476-4301 / 705-437-2210
F: 905-476-8100

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.